Rox and the Alien

Once upon a time, there were three 3 boys. 
The 14 year old one is Finn.The 10 year old one is Jackson.The 8 year old one is Rox. They are brothers but are very different.

Rox likes to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and play the piccolo. Finn likes to study astronomy and drink Gatorade.Jackson likes to play football,go camping,and listen to music by Native 51.

One day Finn saw something green and red falling from the sky.He told both of his brothers about it and they ran outside through the main door.

Once they got outside,they saw a giant crater in the middle of a farm. “There’s something glowing in there that is green and red!”exclaimed Rox. As they ran to the hole,this is what they saw : 
Finn was the only one that knew it was an alien so he builds a rocket ship and he was going to take off because the alien said he was from Mars.They are going to head to Mars to deliver the alien to its family the  “Guy Guygullians”.

Rox, Jackson, and Finn just remembered that their family was rich so they went to  the bank so they can buy some space suits for kids with some money.Very soon Finn built a giant rocket and,10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!BLAST OFF!!!!

The rocket zoomed through the black starred space sky and went flying to Mars really fast. Once they landed on the rocky surface of the red planet they saw a lot of “Guy Guygullians” saying “Sa hey bo many pandas heyo!Mulio hijean cooney!”

The 3 boys dashed over to the group of aliens and Rox actually picked up some language.The crazy part was that from the point they gave the alien to the “Guy Guygullians”, Rox only spoke that language for the rest of his life no matter what.The things that Rox said a lot Jackson picked up.The things that the Guy Guygullians said meant “Thank you for coming here and happy greetings from our home"


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